Last Monday, on March 17, we celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day at school. We learned that this is Ireland’s patron because Saint Patrick spread his religion over the country using a shamrock.

The Celtic story of the Leprechaun with a hidden pot of gold at the end of a rainbow is typical of this day too. For this reason, we had a display with our Leprechaun, a rainbow and even a pot of gold! Everyday we have to look for the four leaved shamrock if we want to be lucky. Can you find it in this picture?

We also celebrated a festival on this day where Infants and Primary 1, 2 and 3 children saw a puppets show about Saint Patrick’s Day Leprechaun. Then, Primary 1 and 2 sang songs, Primary 3 and 4 danced some Irish dances and Primary 5 and 6 said some Saint Patrick’s poems.

Finally, Primary 1 and 2 ate green jelly, Primary 3 and 4 made a treasure hunt looking for clues around the school and our older children joined around a map of Ireland in order to talk about some Irish writers, landscapes, legends, films, music ...

And two days later we connected through Skype with an Irish school and our Primary 5 and 6 children were talking with the Irish pupils about the festival.


We had a very nice day!


Here you can see some PHOTOS and the puppets show:


Última modificación: 07/07/2015 - 18:27